Star Healer


I am many things, but one thing I am not is concise. In the Who Am I? section you will find much of my life story and the offerings that have come from that experience, but if you'd rather have the short and sweet version, read below!

I am Reiki I & II Certified, I've been practicing since 2020 and my Reiki sessions include chakra balancing crystals and chakra crystal bowls. You can click here to learn more!

I also offer Human Design and Astrology readings, both of which I've been offering since 2018. You can click here to learn more about the different packages!

Who Am I?

 I am a Reiki Practitioner, Astrologer, Human Design Reader, and a lifelong student. I love learning about other people through sharing, vulnerability, and connection. I believe the purpose of living during this time is to use the gifts we've been given to spread love, understanding, compassion, and support through vulnerability and connection.

I do a growing variety of things, and I make it my intention to include all of them within the bounds of a few offerings. One of the main things I do is Reiki, and I became Reiki I & II certified in 2020. I have been practicing ever since, but it's taken a backseat to my Readings over the past couple of years. At this point, as I begin my journey on this platform, I'm bringing my Reiki practice to the forefront and making this my primary offering (but if you would like more information about my readings, click here to read more about them, and please don’t hesitate to reach out!)

Since I was a child, I've always been able to tap into the energies around me. It took many years to realize this is what I was doing, but looking back I can see the many ways I've been naturally sensitive to energy. I haven't always been aware of Reiki as a practice, but the moment I learned what it was, I was immediately intrigued! I had to do some self-worth work to get to the point where I was ready to acknowledge my own potential in being a Reiki practitioner, but once I overcame that block I found an ability I had only dreamed of! If you would like to learn more about my Reiki sessions, including a step-by-step breakdown of my process, please click here.

Growing up, my family wasn’t particularly spiritual or religious. My extended family is all Christian, and my parents took a step away from it for the most part by the time I was born, giving my brother and me the freedom to choose what we believe. For a while, I considered the Christian beliefs as my own since that was all I knew at the time, but not long into my early adulthood I abandoned belief altogether. It wasn't out of a sense of betrayal or any hard feelings toward the idea of God or Christianity, but more just out of a lack of connection with the belief system altogether. 

After a couple of years of holding no spiritual belief in particular, and learning a lot about Philosophy and Psychology in the meantime, I stumbled across Buddhism and found I strongly resonated with the teachings. The Buddhist books I read were the beginning of a very long series of books relating to Spirituality in general, with no particular denomination and no one rooted way of believing it. This is where I found my Spiritual Truth, and though it calls for continual learning and practice to maintain the path, I feel at home in my beliefs. I also have acceptance and am respectful to, and have appreciation for, any beliefs another person may have and would never try to come between a person and their belief system. 

During the time between abandoning Christianity and finding Buddhism, while I was studying Psychology and Philosophy in college (and in much of my free time since this was a hobby of mine), I stumbled upon Astrology in a deeper way than I had known before. Up until that point, I was aware of my Sun Sign (Aquarius), and the generalized readings given in articles based on each Sun Sign. Although I had always been drawn to Astrology, and felt what I read about myself through that scope seemed accurate, I hadn't looked too much into it beyond what was on the surface level. After diving into Psychology and Philosophy I learned about Carl Jung’s use of Astrology in correlation with Psychology and this was the beginning of my journey into the Esoteric. 

To rewind a little, my desire growing up and as a young adult was to help people on a deep, psychological, and emotional level. Because of the conditioning I received in this society, I thought my only option was to get my master’s degree in Psychology to actualize this dream. After spending only a couple of years in college, I became disenchanted by the mental health system and didn’t want any part of it, dropping out of college to focus on working and taking care of my kids. Although I was disappointed and felt like a failure, I knew that path wasn’t right for me and continued studying the subjects I loved in my own time. 

It was around this time that I began studying Astrology more deeply, mainly for the purpose of self-reflection, self-understanding, and self-discovery (all the same motivations for my studies in Psychology and Spirituality). It wasn’t long before my curiosity in myself through the Astrological lens branched out to family, friends, and co-workers, who were very interested in learning more about themselves and my interpretation of their charts. I had begun officially doing Astrology readings for about a year or two before I discovered the Human Design system, yet another lens through which to understand myself and others. 

Human Design was a game-changer for me! Yes, I have learned so much about myself through all the different avenues I’ve studied, but finding Human Design was like finally placing the last piece of the puzzle. After studying this system intensely, I’ve been offering Human Design readings along with my Astrology readings. 

You can find more information about each of these types of readings I do, as well as the packages I offer within each type of reading, HERE.

I’m so excited to be on this journey, and so happy to be doing the things I love! If you feel called to receive any of my offerings, please don’t hesitate to reach out. It is my greatest joy to deliver these things to you, and it would make me so happy to get to meet you.

With Love, 



If you're interested in a reading, please send me your birth date, time (down to the minute) and city/state. It may take me a little time to prepare your reading for you, so I'll reach out soon after and schedule to meet you in person or via Zoom.

Kylie Hailstone

Phone: (815) 236-6786


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